Home > Human-Computer Interaction Expert #150

Human-Computer Interaction Expert #150

This sample expert has over 20 years of experience and specializes in the field of computer science, with specific knowledge of human-computer interaction, mobile devices and user interfaces. Published on such topics as digital libraries, information visualization and mobile user interfaces. Testified on television interactive program guides (IPGs).

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Areas of Computer Science expertise

  • User interfaces
  • User experience
  • Mobile devices
  • Software architecture
  • Software engineering
  • Human-Computer interaction

Educational backgroud

  • Ph.D., New York University, Computer Science Dept. New York, NY
  • M.S., New York University, Computer Science Dept. New York, NY
  • B.S., Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Computer Science Dept. Troy, NY

Experience in field

Developer and designer of novel computer user interfaces for desktop and mobile (PDA and phone) devices. Have done work resulting in patents, open source, and commercially licensed software. Have been funded by government and private industry including a significant multi-year contract with Microsoft Research. While working academically, have also worked privately as a consultant, a legal expert, and by running my own small software business. Being a professor for over 10 years, and now working as co-founder of a startup, this expert is very aware of the state of the art in user interface design, user experience, and technologies associated with them. An expert in C#, Java, C, C++ and Objective C development, and am very familiar with web technologies.

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